Yes. At Fuzzy & Fluff Gifts, we strive to maintain the quality of our products. In some instances a specific item might not be available . An official communication will be made to you  with a few suggestions and what options we can replace with while keeping the package at the same price range and quality.

Once you complete placing your order on our website, an email is sent to you automatically with the information of the items you shopped for. If the order happens to be placed offline, a manual receipt will be sent to you as the order is being dispatched.

If the item does not arrive in the best condition. The client is advised to contact us immediately and attach images to allow us to see the degree of the condition. Another package will be prepared and sent to you as soon as possible. However, a client cannot cancel an order after it has been prepared as company resources have already been used.

Yes.  All items indicated as out of stock will be replaced as soon as possible. We are also working on providing a wide range of products to give you more shopping options.

We deliver orders all over the country. For orders within Nairobi, a delivery will be made the same day that you placed your order. For countrywide delivery, the item will be shipped the next day using courier services. Be advised that courier services do not work on Sundays, place your order in good time to avoid the delay.