International Women’s Day abbreviated as IWD is a global holiday held annually on 8th March. It a day to celebrate the social economical, cultural and political achievements of women all over the world. It is also a call to action for gender equality.
In 1977 the United Nations took on Women’s Day making it a globally celebrated holiday.
For the longest time, women have received lesser opportunities and lower wages as compared to their male counterparts. With the same level of education and experience, most opportunities and high paying jobs tend to go to men. They are regarded more fit for the job. With that in mind most companies have reserved opportunities to include more women. Furthermore, they have evaluated salaries to make sure all wages are the same. Each person is paid equally to the work they have done.
During the Covid lockdown it was sadly reported that the number of domestic violence was at its highest. Most women face a lot of physical and sexual harassment at home, school and work place. Sadly, they do not talk about it due to the shame associated with violence. A high number of rescue homes and emergency lines have been created to help women in violent situations. Men have also taken the initiative to speak against gender-based violence among women. In the long-run the initiatives have helped women feel more safer knowing they have people looking out for them.
In some communities, young girls are married of as early as 10 years. Consequently, this has hindered them the opportunity to get education and grow up to be ladies who will empower the community. Overtime, the creation of movements has enabled speaking against the early forced marriages. This has led to the rescuing of some girls from this toxic environment. They now have the chance to go back to school and learn. They get to feel safe and have the love they lack from their homes.
Most high political and company positions are held by men. In recent times we have witnessed female presidents, CEOs and leaders in different positions which is history in the making.
Educating young girls was has been viewed and is still viewed as a waste of resources. Most girls were married at a young age.. The lack of education led to a high rate of illiteracy and poverty among women in the society. Most parents now have been educated on the need to give girls the same opportunities they give to boys as they are all the same.
For the few reasons listed it is vital to celebrate each and every woman in your life. The main reason is that they have achieved numerous milestones over the years. However, there is still a long way to go to but we can stop for a minute and celebrate the achievements along the way.
Celebrate her with a bouquet of lovely roses, whether a small or large bouquet, she will surely appreciate the sweet gesture. Roses come in different colors, choose her favorite color and put a smile across her face. A little help on the choosing; how about getting her a bouquet of roses with a similar fragrance as her perfume? After all, women’s perfume are made using the fragrance of roses. She will love it!
As the saying goes Chocolate is always the answer, no matter what the question is. A box of her favorite chocolate on International women’s day is also an excellent gift choice. Pair it with a lovely bouquet to complete the package as the ideal gift for her.
One can never go wrong with a bottle of wine. Its the ideal happy moment gift for her. Research on her favorite bottle and color of wine before placing that order. It is also a special day to celebrate her with that bottle of champagne or wine she always talks about. Don’t forget to top it up with beautiful looking the bouquet of roses she always talks of.
Never forget that an empowered woman is an empowered community.